Do you have a pet gecko? That's wonderful! However, there are certain things you need to do every day to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. While geckos don't require as much attention as other domesticated animals, you must still provide them with a clean and healthy environment and feed them appropriately.To keep geckos happy, it's essential to provide them with an environment that mimics their natural habitat. Geckos typically reside in forests where there are trees, plants, and insects to feed on. It's also necessary to mist the tank regularly as tropical rainforests are humid. If you live in a cold location, you'll need to install a heating system for your gecko, particularly if you're raising Tokay geckos. For young Tokays, a 10-gallon tank is suitable, and they can be kept together in the same container. For adults, a 20-gallon tank is necessary, and only one male should be kept in each tank. Tokays are strictly nocturnal, so it's important to provide cave-like structures, pebbles, stones, and other items to make their environment as similar to their natural habitat as possible. Some geckos can thrive in colder environments, while others live in deserts, so it's essential to do some research to determine the best tank for your pet.When it comes to feeding your gecko, the frequency depends on the type of gecko you have and the food you're feeding it. If you're feeding Tokays crickets, it's okay to feed them every other day. You can also coat the crickets with vitamins from a pet store or veterinary clinic to ensure your pet receives the necessary nutrients. An adult gecko can be fed 10 crickets every other day. If you prefer to feed your gecko larger insects, such as pinkies, your pet will remain full for a week. It's best to feed them during the afternoon when they're starting to become active since they're nocturnal creatures.